Safety & accessibility

The safety aspect is the common thread in Splashtours' operations. The safety of Splashtours is a prerequisite for the continuity of the company. The amphibious bus has been approved by the Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate and has certificates from Lloyds and the National Road Administration.

The amphibious bus is equipped with all necessary safety conditions. The crew of Splashtours is trained as company first aiders. This training includes firefighting, evacuation, CPR and first aid for accidents. In addition, the crew constantly receives refresher training to be able to keep passengers safe at all times.

Accessibility / disabled

Unfortunately, the Splashbus is not wheelchair-friendly. To enter the bus, you must be able to climb a flight of stairs. There is a sailor present to help you with this. If someone cannot enter the bus independently, unfortunately the tour cannot go on for this person. The mobility of our guests is an important part of our safety protocol.

Wheelchairs and walkers can be safely stored at our ticket counter (The Boat Bar). This is at the Splashtours boarding point. 

Do you have a question?

Call: +31 (0)10 - 436 94 91